Hear from the chair of our LGBTQ+ Network
"My name is Graham Childs, I work for Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust as a Registered Nursing Associate. I am a proud person and I identify as Gay. I am also a member of the LGBTQ + Network.
I started working in health a nearly two decades ago. I started as a Auxiliary Nurse / Health Care Assistant on a surgical unit. Within my first few months I became patient. I received fantastic care, but I was also discriminated against because of my sexuality.
After being diagnosed with testicular cancer, I was not offered; support or counselling or the chance to make a deposit incase one day I chose to have a family. I only learnt of this by another patient going through the same operation. He had a partner and identified as a heterosexual male. He was sent to counselling and to make a deposit in case he needed to use it to have a family.
As a health care professional I have also experienced discrimination from patients, whereby patients have refused treatment from me because I am ''one of those'', when I asked the patient to elaborate they said 'well you are Gay'.
So I have seen discrimination on both sides. That is why its important to me to be a better health professional. I have recently been supported by the Trust to go through training and I am now a Registered Nursing Associate.
I started at the Trust as a Band 3 Health Care Assistant and within 3 months was encouraged to go for my training. I have worked now in the Trust for 3 years and I have recently moved from Mental Health to Community nursing and I am thoroughly enjoying my new role.
I have also been part of the Rainbow badge project and represented the Trust at a local pride event and have now accepted the position of Vice Chair for the LGBTQ+ staff network.
My name is Graham Childs RNA. Welcome one and all to an amazing Trust which embraces diversity.''