Governance policy and Guidance

AccessAble produce online accessibility guides to buildings, sites & venues across the UK – including many hospitals, shops, tourist attractions and universities. The Trust has worked in partnership with AccessAble to develop a series of guides for many of our Trust sites. 

Accessible Information Standard (AIS) applies to all organisations that provide NHS or adult social care (this includes: NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts, GP practices, as well as organisations that commission (pay for and make decisions about) NHS and adult social care services). 

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is designed to consolidate various offences relating to human trafficking and slavery which includes servitude, being forced or deceived into work, not able to leave freely and easily without threat to themselves or their family resulting in undesirable or unsafe conditions.

The Equality Act 2010 replaced previous legislation (such as the Race Relations Act 1976 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995) with a single Act. The Act simplified the law, removed inconsistencies and strengthened the law to help tackle discrimination and inequality.

Equality Impact Assessment is a tool for helping us to consider the potential impact that our Trust activities might have on our community (staff, patients, carers & others), from different equality perspectives).

Equality Delivery System (EDS)

Designed by the NHS to improve equality performance and deliver better outcomes for patients, communities and employees which are personal, fair and diverse. A wide range of stakeholders from across protected groups, patient groups, community organisations, the voluntary sector and other interested groups assessed evidence presented, provide feedback, make recommendations and grade our equality performance in relation to 18 outcomes grouped under 4 goals:

1.     Better health outcomes for all

2.     Improved patient access and experience

3.     Empowered, engaged and inclusive staff

4.     Inclusive leadership